Basic Film Workshop February 13-15 2015

This was the first edition of the practical film workshop for those who desired to learn the art of gospel film making in and out of Europe. The February and the first edition features participants from the following countries: United Kingdom, France & Netherlands. The workshop kicked off a little late than planned with Evangelist Olumide Fatunsin taking the opening charge and declaring the workshop opened.

Evangelist Toyin Fatunsin took the lecture on Pre-Production stage of film production while Evangelist Paul Obrou was on hand to give a special charge to stir up the participants to start their own production.

The class activities for Day 1 include watching a movie with emphasis on the crew that make up a film and also the participants knowledge on gospel movies were equally tested.

Movie Shoot in Progress

Day 2:14th February started with an early morning practical film shooting on various location in Molenhoek for the participants most of whom are facing the camera for the first time. Later the participants returned to the class for a powerful charge from Evangelist Toyin Fatunsin on secrets to a successful film ministry. The participants resume film shooting till evening and took a break to celebrate Evangelist Toyin Fatunsin birthday which happens to be that day in her house. The day ended with a late night film shooting of the second movie and a prayer session for Europe.

Evangelist Toyin Fatunsin giving a lecture on film production

Day 3: Final day started with a film shooting for about three hours and later the closing session which includes a charge by the hosts, short test and giving of certificates to participants. An impaction session followed before the workshop was declared closed.